Buckle Up, Buttercups: Surviving a Road Trip with Young Kids

Packing up the car, loading the snacks, and hitting the open road with the kiddos - is there anything more exhilarating? Well, maybe skydiving without a parachute. But a good old-fashioned family road trip is definitely up there on the thrill-o-meter! If you're anything like me, the mere thought of being trapped in a tiny metal box with your tiny human tornadoes for hours on end is enough to make your eye start twitching. But never fear, The Traveling Mama is here to share our top tips for not just surviving, but actually enjoying your next road trip with the littles in tow.

Snacks on Snacks on Snacks

Let's start with the most critical element of any successful road trip - the snacks! When you've got hangry, bored, restless kids in the backseat, the right snacks can mean the difference between a slightly stressful journey and a full-blown toddler meltdown heard 'round the world. My advice? Pack more snacks than you think you'll need. And I mean A LOT more. Chips, crackers, granola bars, fruit pouches, trail mix, you name it - fill up those coolers and snack bags! And don't forget the drinks. Juice boxes, water bottles, and any other hydrating beverages should be at the ready at all times.

Pro Tip: Avoid anything too messy or sticky that could end up all over your pristine vehicle. Save the melty chocolate bars and juicy fruit for when you reach your destination.

Gameplay Galore

Next up, entertainment! Unless your kids are absolute angels who will happily stare out the window and daydream for hours on end (in which case, can I have their number?), you're going to need some tricks up your sleeve to keep them occupied. Thankfully, there are endless ways to turn a boring road trip into a rip-roaring adventure.

Road Trip Bingo: Make a simple bingo card with things you're likely to see on the road - cows, big trucks, red cars, etc. Award small prizes when someone gets a bingo!

Storytelling: Take turns coming up with a wild and wacky story, with each person adding a new line. See how creative and silly you can get!

Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of things for the kids to spot out the window and see who can check them all off first.

Sing-alongs: Break out the car karaoke and belt out some classic road trip tunes. The sillier, the better!

Mad Libs: Those fill-in-the-blank stories never get old. Prepare some beforehand or make them up on the fly.

And don't forget the old standbys - portable DVD players, tablets loaded with movies and games, and good old-fashioned coloring books and crayons.

Pro Tip: Make sure to pack headphones so you don't have to listen to the same Paw Patrol episode on repeat for the entire journey.

Scheduled Mayhem

With the snacks and entertainment taken care of, the next key to road trip success is a solid plan. Now, I know what you're thinking - "A plan? On a road trip with kids? Good one, Ashley". But hear me out! Having at least a loose schedule can actually make things a lot less chaotic.

Map out Stops: Before you hit the road, take a look at the route and identify strategic stopping points - gas stations, restaurants, parks, etc. That way you can plan for frequent breaks to let the kids (and you!) stretch their legs.

Coordinate Nap Times: If your little ones are still on a nap schedule, try to time your driving so they can conk out in the car. A well-rested kid is a much happier kid (trust me on this one).

Decide on Dinner: Figure out where you'll be stopping for dinner and look up some family-friendly options ahead of time. The last thing you want is to be hangry and aimlessly searching for a suitable restaurant at 7pm.

Schedule Screen Time: Set some boundaries around when the kids can use their tablets or watch movies. That way you can avoid any disputes about "just five more minutes" mid-drive.

Pro Tip: Build in extra time for unexpected delays, potty breaks, and toddler meltdowns. You can never be too prepared!

Embrace the Chaos

No matter how much you plan, there will inevitably be some chaos during your road trip. And that's okay! In fact, I'd argue that embracing the madness is half the fun. So when things start to veer off course, just take a deep breath and remember - this is an adventure, not a military operation.

Get Creative with Discipline: Let's be real, your usual parenting tactics might not work as well in the confines of a car. Get creative with consequences, like taking away screen time or withholding a special treat. And don't be afraid to pull the ultimate trump card - the dreaded silent treatment!

Expect the Unexpected: Spilled drinks, carsickness, and spontaneous diaper bombs are all very real possibilities. Come prepared with cleaning supplies, plastic bags, and a sense of humor.

Make Memories: Sure, there may be moments where you want to pull your hair out. But try to focus on the fun, silly, and downright ridiculous things that will make for great stories later. Like that time your toddler insisted on wearing their swim trunks the entire drive.

At the end of the day, a road trip with kids is truly an exercise in going with the flow. The more you can just roll with the punches, the better time you'll all have. And don't forget - the destination is only half the adventure. It's all about making memories along the way!

So there you have it, my fellow Traveling Mamas - the keys to surviving, and even thriving, on your next family road trip. With the right snacks, games, and plan of attack, you'll be zipping down the highway with a car full of happy, entertained kiddos in no time. Just remember to pack your patience, your sense of humor, and an extra set of clean clothes. You've got this!

Now who's ready to hit the road?


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